
This Parish Council currently has a number of sources of Income

  1. A sum of money provided by the next tier of government (In our case its the High Peak Borough Council) which is called for by the Parish Council issuing a PRECEPT (an order issued by one local authority to another specifying the rate of tax to be charged on its behalf) to the Borough Council. The Borough Council is obliged to collect the sum requested from the Residents of the Parish by a surcharge on the Council Tax demand sent to each household.
  2. The Parish Support Grant.
  3. The Council Tax Benefit Support Grant.
  4. Donations made by users of the Parish Hall.
  5. Gifts from members of the public and local businesses intended for specific purposes such as refurbishment of Village Hall, upgrade of playground, care of war memorial, etc.
  6. Agreed sums from residents for provision of services such as broadband etc.